Diversity data collection SRA

You will be able to report your firm’s diversity data to us from the week beginning Monday, 17 July, and will have four weeks to complete this.

You can start collecting this data from your staff ahead of time using the new diversity questionnaire available on our website. In line with our latest advice about transgender inclusion, we have included a new question about transgender and an option for people who do not identify as male or female.

If you have already collected your data using the old questions, you will still be able to use this for reporting. We are working on our website to make it easier to report. You can report your data from the week beginning 17 July. Meanwhile, you can view data you provided previously up until 14 July. To do so, you will need your mySRA account username and password. If you have forgotten your username or password, please visit our website to see how you can request them.

We have emailed firms to let them know about this. Find out more about firm diversity data requirements.